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Monday, February 21, 2022

Prophesy in Cheesy 1960s Science Fiction

Star Trek has always been based upon the idea that someday, in the future, humanity will cease to struggle with disease and poverty, transcending the hardships, and moving forward, into space, together.

However, there was a cost to achieve that fictional awesomeness: we had to suffer a third global war, a war that destroyed almost every major city on earth and left hundreds of millions of people dead. It was after that fictional catastrophe that a scientist built a faster-than-light prototype ship on an inter-continental ballistic missile in Montana.

I'm not saying i believe that's going to happen, but i remember that I've never felt so united my friends and neighbors as immediately after a tragedy of a certain magnitude.

I hope that's not what it's gonna take. I hope that's not what's gonna happen.

But hope isn't nearly as tangible as it used to be. 

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