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Saturday, June 25, 2022

Today's Noteworthy Social Media Response

There's a difference between having beliefs and using those beliefs to oppress an entire swath of people. If your goal is freedom, you have to be Pro-Life within a Pro-Choice society. You can still do everything in your power to protect the unborn lives in a society that allows for women to be saved in a medical emergency, spared the shame of rape and incest, (hide the scandals of an affair by a holder of Government or Church hierarchy)... That's freedom. When you erase those rights, you lose freedoms and condemn women to death, you are responsible for children being born into poverty. You may absolve yourself of guilt by saying "the court did this" or "it's their own fault for not being responsible" or whatever, but at the end of the day, if you're a good Christian, a good scientist, a good human being, and a positive and contributing member of a healthy civilization, you'll do whatever you can to make sure people won't rape people anymore, that kids are guaranteed food and housing and aren't punished for not having enough, that teachers and cooks and nurses and psychologists have all the resources to do what they can for these kids and their parents who are now obligated into a life that could have been spared the misery and suffering otherwise, right? You're going to do more than simply condemning mother's to that life and walking away? You're gonna make sure that the woman walking home from her third shift who got jumped in the alley doesn't have to do back to work the day after her baby is born, and that she doesn't have to leave her kid with some disreputable character while she worked those three jobs, right? The point we are all missing, here on Facebook, locally, nationally, is that this can't be morally correct if it's not erring on the side of love and understanding. If you can't love or understand, if you can't put yourself in that young woman's shoes, you're lacking the core element of either side of any argument and you just kinda suck. It's really that easy. You can't bring yourself to love and respect and understand other people, and you suck. We are all impressed that your God has the biggest dick.