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Monday, June 13, 2011

Looking for a New Direction

You're probably thinking it's about time I admitted it to myself, but I feel like it's time to move in another direction with another blog. I loved this one, and then I lost my name, moved into a real place, and the cause somehow became foreign to me. Granted, I did wind up in Alaska, and I have had a great many experiences with the BattleWagons along the way that were life changers, but now my change of life will have to be a little bit deeper.

What have I learned? I always thought it was about exploring the human condition and pushing the envelope, but it turned out it was more about pushing my own boundaries. I met other people who lived my life style, or who lived more impoverished than I, voluntarily or not.

I also learned that I miss the adventure of not knowing where I was going to sleep that night, or if I was going to be harassed.

If I could do it again, I would, and I still may. I don't think this mission of mine ever ends, nor should it.

Maybe next time, it'll be on a boat.

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