The other night, I was going through the tribulation of making dinner. Normally, cooking is a stress-free, even fun way to spend an evening, but in the van, it's an adventure. I decided I'd make a quick and easy meal. A can of black beans with jalapenos. A can of chicken chunks. A green onion. Some salsa. Tortillas to eat it all up.
I added everything to my little cooking pot (except the tortillas, of course), but when I was opening the chicken, I spilled a little of the chicken juice onto the van carpet. No big deal, I thought. I sopped it up and kept cooking. Dinner was delicious.
I got up in the morning, and I realized the horrible truth. The van STUNK. It STILL stinks, and I made this dinner almost a week ago! The chicken juice killed it. I tried to introduce chicken juice to baking soda and then fabreze, but it seems as though the chicken juice has its own agenda. Sigh... such is life in the van.