I've been reading books and having some experiences that are leading me to believe in Omens and trust in good friends. I'm starting to believe in a Language of the World.
It's weird to sort of flow through life. I've had instances lately where I consider calling an old friend, and then I recieve an email from him. I've had moments where time seems to just slow down, as if it were giving me the opportunity to really take everything in.
Last night, I left Jenny's and went to my favorite Walmart for parking. I had to get a few groceries anyway, and when I was checking out, I spoke to the cashier. He was talking about Proposition 8 in California and how it passed. He was disappointed. I am, too. It was a crushing blow towards equal rights for everyone. Everyone. I comforted this guy, told him that we were taking baby steps. I told him about my beautiful girlfriend, and how we were all taking baby steps together to fight this bigotry and closed-mindedness that will not allow people who are in love to make a statement officially commemorating that love.
As I walked back to the van with my groceries, I helped an old Asian couple load their groceries into their Mercedes and talked to the gentleman about a guy who asked me for change. Apparently, this man has done this for days on end, and I'm just throwing money away by giving him a dollar. I think in the future, I'm going to start handing out the Denver Voice to the homeless, a newspaper for and by the homeless, that will direct them where to go toget food, shelter, and medical attention.
As I fell asleep last night, I considered my evening. I don't know if they're exactly omens or just a series of interesting events, but I'm starting to fall in line with a belief that God is watching us, not with orders, but with baited breath, as a father watches his son grow and take his first steps. I'm starting to believe in a Language of the World.