I count my blessings tonight. It's been a rough few months, months that included a move across the country, the arrival of a beautiful baby girl, the loss of a job, the borrowing of money from family members, the receipt of gifts from family, friends, and strangers, and the list goes on.
I count my blessings, because, in spite of have to go to the food bank to get it, there is stuff to eat in my cupboards. I count them because, inspite of the fact that the paint is all flaking off, it's rusted out under the doors, and it has trouble moving when you step on the gas too hard, we have a truck that gets us from A to B and even allows us to drive a short way out of town for hikes. I count them because even though I'm not making as much money as I was making in Alaska, I have a job that I really enjoy, working for honest people, and making stuff that's incredibly beautiful. I count them because I have a son who I get to talk to almost every day, even though he lives 15 hours away, a happy dog who doesn't realize he has only three legs, a beautiful girlfriend who told me not to stay up too late (it's 12:30 am now...), and a daughter who has already been "memed" twice at 2 months and 2 days (3 days now) old.
It's funny how true the cliche is that implies you one doesn't realize the value of the small things until you lose everything else. We've had to sell so much stuff. Our kitchen table has a metal folding chair and another chair I found by the dumpster a few weeks ago with no back. We don't have a vacuum cleaner. Some of this stuff is just ridiculous. Still, we have free internet, which allows us to invest $8/month in Netflix, and that's a beautiful thing.
We found a church that has been wholly supportive of us. We're going to dedicate our daughter there soon. The Unitarian Universalists are wonderful people, and no matter what sort of spiritual cravings we have, we can satisfy those cravings there. That, and they've really looked out for us there. We found our mechanic through them.
Now we're ramping up to dig out of our hole and downsize even more. No matter what happens, we'll be happy because, despite everything we lost, we have each other. We can play rummy and watch documentaries about Nazis and re-runs of Star Trek: The Next Generation. We can come up with 50 creative ways to cook rice. Whatever we do, we laugh, we hug often, and we both don't waste a day forgetting how lucky we are. When you get there, that's all you need.