I sit here on a deck overlooking a meadow in front of the spectacular Mount Shavano. I sip wine with loved ones and enjoy the sun and the breeze. The bees buzz around with curiousity. It's so artsy.
The newest, oldest van. A site for a new homestead. A life of work with interesting people. Let's go.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Artsy Dinner
Pancakes and Maturity

Yesterday, I went out to breakfast with my mother at the local hot spot. I found that some people, no matter how much they've gone through, no matter how much they've grown, some of us are just too damn immature to not play with their food.
I don't think making PacMan from your pancakes is anything to be ashamed of. I think it's a mark of youthful joy. I think as long as you're not playing the "see food" game or having a food fight, I think that a little artistic expression is good for the soul.
Heck, as we learned from Richard Dreyfuss in "Close Encounters", playing with your food could even... mean something... (I know you can hear the alien song in your head right now).
The point is, in all seriousness, don't forget the things that keep you young. Keep in practice the things that may make others look at you and say, "really?" I've found that these things give us energy, strength, and an infectious happiness that doesn't just keep us young, it moves from person to person like pinkeye.
I've found wisdom and maturity... in pancakes.