When I got off the airplane at Ketchikan Internationl Airport in Monday night, I walked out of the terminal to this sunset, on a rare and "sunny" evening. It was pretty amazing, but the locals told me that it was rare, and I was lucky to not have been greeted by wind and driving rain. Oh, well. I'll take what I can get. So far I've been here three days (including Monday), and only yesterday was

I snapped this picture yesterday morning. This is the road that runs by where I work now. I work up the hill to the left at that intersection. The forest all around here is thick, a rainforest so to speak, with moss and ferns and all sorts of dark and dripping things. The amount of the color green is so incredible. I remember thinking that in Georgia, but this is much, much thicker
This ship is one of the big cargo ferries that travels the Alaska Marine Highway System. This view is looking out from by where I work, across the Tongass Narrows with Gravina Island in the background, where the airport is. I took a ferry from the airport to town. That's the way it's done up here. It would have changed had the "Bridge to Nowhere" been built, but that got shot down as "Pork And Barrel" spending in congress.
At any rate, so far, it's great. More pictures and stuff to come.