Wow... I haven't posted anything in a very long time. And there's been so much to post! I apologize. Truth be told, I was really disheartened by the jerks who stole my original domain name, www.battlewagonchronicles.com, and used it to market stupid bullshit. It's my own fault, though. I didn't renew it in an instant, and, for better or worse, they bought it. So... I bought a shorter name, BWChronicles.com. So here I am... back in Alaska... with my family.
I got back here a few months ago. I drove up, straight from Denver to Yakima, Washington in 22 hours. I had a full little BattleWagon, Lyss's CR-V "Mabel", with no room for anything but me and Harry the cat. I slept for 8 hours at a rest stop, and then I went the rest of the way to Bellingham to catch the ferry.
From there, I took the M/V Malaspina to Ketchikan, a two night, three day adventure that plopped me down in an icy and cold Ketchikan at six in the morning on a Sunday. I started working the next day, and then picked up Lyss and Malcolm from the airport the next day.
Since then, I've been working my ginger butt off, trying to save up some money to pay back those who helped us move. The BattleWagon II is parked at my parents house, full of stuff from the HomeBase in Denver that I'll need to bring up at some point.
Beyond that, we've had some time to get out and see some stuff as a family, and I'm finding a new appreciation for doing the things with Malcolm that my parents did with me when I was a kid.
The photo here is a hero shot of Malcolm in the place I got one of my best pictures from nearly a year ago. We're happy here, and I need to spend more time doing the things I love... writing, adventuring, getting hyper and excited to be alive. I've had too many reminders lately of how quickly things can change. Co-workers gone suddenly. Friends with babies on the way. Babies learning to crawl, walk, talk, and smile on cue. Friends losing marriages. Siblings graduating from high school. Parents with an empty nest. A new state, new laws, new benefits, new draw-backs. Revitalized love for a family that I was emotionally away from. Renewed love for a family I'm geographically away from now.
Life is short, and I've erred in selling myself short. It can't carry on. It wont .